Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Y'all, I totally had one of those Carl's Jr. supermodel commercial moments today. You know, where she is half naked and she takes a seductive bite of the burger and all the sauce dribbles down her body. That happened to me today, except I'm 30 pounds heavier than she is, it's winter and I am fully clothed, and when I SHOVED the burger in my mouth a 2 inch blob of sauce landed right in my crotch, I then licked my lips pretty much the same way a cow licks the cud off its lips. See, I told ya, same thing.

Now that I'm home, I need to attack the 2 inch blob so that it doesn't stain my mommy jeans. Here's what I use for all my stains:

DIY Laundry Spot Remover
  •  1 Tbsp Thieves Household cleaner (you can learn more about it here )
  • 1 Tbsp lukewarm water
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 2 Tbsp hydrogen peroxide  
Combine first 3 ingredients together until the baking soda dissolves. Add the peroxide. Pre-treat stain (try it on a small, not so common area first) by spraying the mixture directly onto the stain with a spray bottle or by pouring it directly on the spot. Let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse and wash normally. This mixture doesn't keep overnight so discard it after your day is done.

There ya have it folks, a nontoxic spot remover in a full blown toxic world.  
